We take care maintaining your kitchen. Make Contract with us and get benefits

Inspection & Services
Cooking equipment
- Inspect all safety and electrical devices
- Inspect for water leaks
- Gas equipment- clean burners and orifices
- Inspect doors, latches, and gaskets for proper operation and condition
- Lubricate mechanical parts and inspect for wear
- Calibrate thermostats
- Test operation
Steam Equipment
- Descale boiler with OEM chemical
- Inspect door gaskets and latches
- Test cold water condenser
- Record amperage on elements
- Inspect cooling fan for debris, clean if needed
Combi Ovens
- Descale steam generator
- Inspect for water leaks
- Check all system operations and temperatures
- Inspect doors, latches, and gaskets for proper operation and condition
- Inspect and clean blower wheel
- Inspect filters and change if needed, filters billed separately
- Lubricate mechanical parts and inspect for wear
Dish washing Equipment
- Check/Adjust thermostat for proper temperature
- Inspect for leaks
- Inspect drain seat, O-ring
- Clean pump intake screen
- Check water flow through final rinse nozzles
Refrigeration Equipment
- Clean condensers and coils
- Inspect evaporator and fan, clean if needed
- Check and log temperatures
- Inspect door hardware and gaskets
Ice Machines
- Clean condensers and coils
- Chemically clean and sanitize
- Inspect filters and change if needed, filters billed separately
- Arrangements can be made to clean bin if emptied in advance
QR Code
Each machine is identified by a specific QR code – a dishwasher identity card that provides access to all the technical documentation and allows supplies of spare parts to be managed electronically.